What Women Say

“Before I started coaching, I was working on my art, but with less focus and attention. I have moved from just taking classes with no clear direction of where I wanted to go with my art to having an organized and functional studio, a “way in” to any given art-making session and a much better idea of what I want make. It's been worth the investment! This is life-changing work!”

E.B., Concord, NH

“I was a bit lost and burnt out. I had a vague idea of where I wanted to be in the future but had no idea how to get from point A to what felt like point Z!

As a result of the coaching, I am changing more into who I already knew I could be. I am getting clear on what it is that I am working towards and what I actually want. I also feel a sense of ownership and possibility where before I felt helpless and confused. 

C.C., Los Angeles, CA

"Coaching with Nancy has been amazing and invaluable in reviving and strengthening my studio practice, as well as my sense of self and clarity about my values and goals. Absolutely a gift!!”

S.B., Brooklyn, NY

“Before coaching with Nancy, I was directionless, unfocused, and uninspired. It's incredible to look back and see the massive changes and growth working with Nancy has provided me. I have become worlds more self-realized and my practice has elevated to a level I wasn't sure I would ever achieve.”

M.D., Seattle, WA

"From the start Nancy helped me to identify the key concerns of my artistic quest which I hadn't ever articulated before. I actually don't know how she did this for it felt very natural…and yet I'd never heard myself articulate so clearly my intentions before. This laid the foundations for me to make bolder claims for my work.”

T.B., London, UK

“I was burned out, tired, a little lost from myself. I felt like I didn't know who I was anymore, what I wanted, how to bring myself joy, or how to be an artist let alone allow myself to say I was an artist.

As someone who never really saw myself as a “coach person,” I’m so glad I took a chance and booked a session with Nancy. The coaching helped me find…a me I forgot existed or, dare I say, didn't know existed? Now I am in a place I never could have imagined — joyful, empowered, feeling free to be whoever I want to be, an artist, illustrator, seamstress, photographer, painter, installation artist — a woman with ideas ready to let them blossom into the world....I'm so grateful.”

J.B., Brooklyn, NY

As a result of our coaching, I have a daily practice of morning pages that Nancy helped me anchor to another habit and it’s been consistent for over six months now. I’ve been able to see my creative process as valid and unique and drop the judgment that has held me back from working and impeded my progress for so long.

Coaching is an investment in one’s self and a valuable self commitment. I chose to put my creative life goals on the table and back them with a financial commitment. It’s putting skin in the game.

A.S., New York, NY

Before coaching, I was feeling a little stuck. Disheartened about my art, money, relationships. Overwhelmed with so many ideas, but unable to take steps forward. I felt a lot of judgement toward myself and had a clearer vision of what *wasn't* possible than what I even wanted to create.

I loved that Nancy didn't come with a strict list of tasks, tests, to-dos, etc. Nancy never told me what I should do but, instead, led me to my own wisdom. It was life changing to receive support in finding my own unique way of working -- to break through the negative judgements of how I do things and finding ways to embrace it instead.

With this coaching, I have started working on my next album, I began taking classes, I started a garden and eating more healthy, I began feeling more open and confident and was able to let a relationship in that was very inspiring and loving. So much changed and in ways I didn't even expect.

It was a huge, scary financial decision for me, but I am SO glad and grateful I figured out how to make it work. I would tell any artist who is ready to shift into the next phase of their work to make the investment!

Nancy RULES!!! <3 <3 <3

C.W., Nashville, TN

“Coaching is about facilitating one's magnificence to come forward. It's about being ourselves in as full a way as possible. There are many strategies in service to this purpose and they are endlessly creative. It's like a great improvisation.

As a coach, Nancy is really skilled in this improvisation. She is a great listener and helped me listen to myself. She promotes this deep listening. Nancy also challenged me in good ways. She created a safe space for my magnificence, authenticity, and integrity to come forward.”

B. J., Cambridge, MA

“I was unhappy with where I was as an artist but not really clear on how to proceed. Nancy is not about simple answers. Instead, she provides something much more important: a way of being that I can always work with no matter what the issue is. Through working with her, I am learning tools that enable me to be my own guidance now and going forward."

L.K., Maine

“The most eye opening aspect of the coaching was having Nancy help me push beyond what I thought was possible. It allowed me to dream bigger and see that the next step was much easier than I thought which empowered me to take the first step that I had been avoiding for so long. This investment in myself is invaluable. To have my mindset shifted after each session and a plan for moving forward that doesn't feel like homework and more like a quest, I feel proud of myself for taking this ride with Nancy.”

K.J., New York, NY

In coaching with Nancy, I opened myself to a different way of evaluating my life and myself. I received a very unique and practical approach to identifying what would make a difference in my life. The approach was focused on my strengths. These were strengths I was either not aware of or didn't accept as my own. I was led to understanding myself better and confirming my strengths in a way I could believe.

V.T., Scottsdale, AZ

“Working with Nancy has changed my life. She knew just how to get me out of my own way and helped me open a door inside of myself. Not only do I now have an active studio practice, I’m finally able to share my creativity with others. Both on and off the canvas I find myself feeling braver, more open and more playful. My world feels fresh and bigger as a result. I feel immensely grateful for my time with her. This is some powerful work!”

M.S., New York, NY

“Before I began coaching with Nancy, I wasn’t even sure if I was qualified to call myself an artist. She has helped me accomplish all of the goals we set and more. Nancy’s coaching has been life changing for me. I am a much happier, confident, satisfied, person with direction and purpose. It is by far the best investment I have ever made for myself. It has accelerated the process of becoming an artist exponentially. What would have taken me five to ten years to figure out had happened in only six months!”

Phyllis F., Chicago, IL

“My art is the way I reestablish the bonds that tie me to the universe.”

Ana Mendieta